Our Story

  Back in 2015 my journey to Skincare & Wellness really began. I found out that majority of the products I was using in my daily routines were filled with toxins and contributing to my skin problems and poor health. I was inspired to study and educate myself on herbal medicine and plant derived skincare. Both of my daughters struggle with allergies and problematic skin and finding ingredients that didn’t irritate them and were also effective was hard. I began crafting a lot of our skincare & household products at home so I knew what we were putting on our body’s and I really fell in love with the whole process. Crafting, studying herbs and essential oils, getting back to my roots of Mother Nature’s goodness! I noticed such a big change in our skin almost right away. My overall health improved so much once I started eating clean, nutrient dense foods and taking care of my body. It has been my mission since, to heal and treat my family holistically using all of this beautiful plant medicine that is available to us. Root Therapy was born with the desire to study, craft and share these precious resources with our family, friends and community. Clean | Simple | Effective Ingredients with a whole lot of beautiful aromas, pops of color & fun in between! 


We strive to encourage others to reduce the toxins in their home and live a more mindful, holistic lifestyle. Making healthier choices for themselves and their loved ones, while cultivating a cleaner, eco-friendly way to protect our environment & all that Mother Nature has given to us! We hope you will start your journey with us to living a cleaner, healthier lifestyle and kick those harmful toxins to the curb! You can start making healthy choices for you and your family TODAY!